digital photography revolution has arrived and the real
question is ... Are you ready for it? Are you
really prepared for the digital photography world?
love of photography began 44 years ago when I borrowed
a friend's Kodak box camera to take a picture. Naturally
the photo was terrible and totally out of focus. I've
come a long way since then. Spent years as an amateur
and professional photographer, attended classes and
improved my skills. During the last decade I've made
the transition from film to all digital photography.
It wasn't an easy transition. While the basic photography
skills I acquired over the years remained unchanged,
there was much to learn. To be successful with digital
imaging skills beyond the basic photography skills.
You also need computer graphic image editing software
skills, and they are just as important as the photography
skills, maybe more important. Unfortunately this is
not a trivial matter.
digital, only those with a serious interest in photography
became involved in the sport/hobby. Setting up a darkroom
to process film and prints was expensive and learning
how to do it was a lengthy and messy process. Not so
today. Almost everyone has a PC sitting on their desk
at home or in the office. And with point-and-shoot cameras
available in the marketplace for pennies everyone buying
a digital camera thinks they're automatically a photographer.
Unfortunately a long and painful road lies ahead of
them before they can actually lay claim to that title.
the other day I was talking with a young man who recently
purchased a Nikon D70. He sent a picture he'd taken
with the new camera and asked me what I thought of it.
I responded saying it was nice, but would be better
after he post-processed the image. His response: "What's
that?" He hadn't a clue.
haven't changed that much between film and digital imaging.
With film we post-processed in the darkroom. We cropped
the photos to show only those portions of the image
we wanted, we dodged overexposed areas and burned in
underexposed areas to bring out detail. In short we
used the skills and tools we had at our disposal to
improve the image out of the camera. In the days of
film we used darkroom skills, in today's digital world
we use the skills we have for a computer's graphical
imaging software program making it much easier for people
to get involved. No darkroom required, no messy chemicals,
no long process from exposure to finished print. Today
everything sits neatly on a desk in a brightly lit office
or back bedroom.
is here to help! Over the next few months we will be
developing and implementing numerous classes designed
to easily and quickly bring you into the digital world.
Classes are designed to minimize the pain, increase
the pleasure and get you to the point of being successful
in a shorter time frame. Each hour you spend in class
will eliminate many hours of the frustration and aggravation
you experience while self-learning.
quickly and, more importantly, learn it right the first
time! Learn from a pro! Sign up today to attend one
of our scheduled classes!